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poniedziałek, 30 marca 2015

Słońce / Sunshine

W tym tygodniu w Polsce panuje kiepska pogoda, więc dla lepszego samopoczucia zrobiłam słoneczny layout.
Użyłam kolorów, motywów słońca i cyfr z marcowej tablicy na blogu Scrap Around The World.

This week we have in Poland really bad weather, so for better frame of mind
I did sunny layout. I used colors, motives of sun and digits from March Moodboard on Scrap Around The World blog.

Użyłam gesso, pasty strukturalnej i mgiełek DecoArt.
I used gesso, structural paste and DecoArt  mists.


And this LO received Honourable Mention!
This is my 4th Honourable Mantion on Scrap Around The World blog :)

6 komentarzy:

  1. Wow! Gorgeous layout and Thank you for playing at Scrap Around The World!

  2. stunning page ! I love your little drawing freehand ! thank you for joining us at SATW challenge xx

  3. Gorgeous layout!!! Thank you for playing at Scrap Around The World!

  4. This is superb! Thank you for playing along with us this month at Scrap Around the World!

  5. Oh this is wonderful! Thank you for joining us at SATW :)

  6. Fabulous page! I love the composition! Fabulous colors and elements!Great photo and title! Original I love it! All the bst from SATW! :)


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