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niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2015

Pot, łzy i morze / Sweat, tears and the sea

To już moja druga morska praca w tym miesiącu. Poprzednia to był layout, który również stworzyłam do kwietniowej tablicy na blogu Scrap Around The World.
Na blejtramie umieściłam zdjęcia zrobione przez moją zdolną koleżankę Agnieszkę :)
Na moim blejtramie znalazły się: mały konik morski, muszelki, węzły żeglarskie oraz kolory z kwietniowej tablicy.

This is my second naval work this month. The previous was layout, which I also created according to the April mood board on the Scrap Around The World blog.
On my canvas I put photos made by my talented colleagues Agnieszka :) 
I put on my canvas: small seahorse, shells, sailing nodes, colors from the mood board.

Użyłam gesso, pasty strukturalnej, białej 100, złotej 801 i niebieskiej 580 Ecoliny oraz mgiełek DecoArt. Mój blejtram ma wymiar 20 x 20 cm.
I used gesso, structural paste, white 100,gold 801 and blue 580 Ecoline and DecoArt  mists. My canvas size it's: 8 x 8 inchies.

Scrap Around The World:

My canvas received Honourable Mention :)

9 komentarzy:

  1. Awesome work! I love all the pretty details in this layout! Thank you for joining us at SATW!

  2. Brilliant canvas!! I love the layers of texture and perfect blend of colors.
    Thanks so much for joining us at SATW this month. Good Luck!

  3. Wouaw !! Awesome textured on your canvas, I love the little details and the microsphere !! Thank you for joining us at SATW xx

  4. Fantastic canvas!
    Love all the details !!!!
    Thanks for playing with us at SATW!

  5. Wowww !!! What a beautiful canvas. I love all the details, colors and textures !! Thank you for playing at SATW :)

  6. Gorgeous layout! Love your eye for little details! All the best from SATW! :)

  7. Beautiful canvas!
    Thanks for playing with us at SATW!

  8. What an amazing page we have here!
    So rich in details and texture.
    Love it!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Scrap Around the World!

  9. OH WOW!!! This is simply AMAZING!! LOVE IT. Thank you for joining us over at SATW xx


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