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niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2015

Spójrz głębiej / Look deeper

Mój dzisiejszy layout powstał w głębokiej nocy, więc nawet pasuje do tytułu ;)
Użyłam zdjęć zrobionych przez moją zdolną koleżankę Agnieszkę - dziękuję!
Zainspirowałam się kwietniową tablicą z bloga Scrap Around The World, stąd na moim LO konik morski, lampa, sznurek i muszelki, które narysowałam na kamykach zebranych na plaży,

My today's layout was created in the deep night, so even fit for the title ;)
I used photos taken by my talented colleague Agnieszka - thank you!
I was inspired by the April mood board from Scrap Around The World blog, that is why on my LO you can find: seahorse, lamp, twine and shells which I drew on pebbles gathered on the beach.

Użyłam gesso, pasty strukturalnej, złotej 801 i niebieskiej 580 Ecoliny oraz mgiełek DecoArt.
I used gesso, structural paste, gold 801 and blue 580 Ecoline and DecoArt  mists.

Scrap Around The World:

LO otrzymało odznakę Facebook Feature :)

Snag if you have been featured on our Facebook Page!

9 komentarzy:

  1. This is fantastic!!! I love it! What a gorgeous seahorse. You knocked this Mood Board out of the park! All the best from SATW! :)

  2. This project is FANTASTIC!
    Use did a very creative page, for sure.
    Love each rich detail of your layout.
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at Scrap Around the World... and good luck

  3. I love your page and your doodle !! It's fantastic and really creative ! thank you so much for joining us at SATW xx

  4. Wow !! This is gorgeous, great work !! I love everything : the background, details and photo ! Thank you for playing at SATW :)
    Lydie Denis.

  5. Fabulous work, so clever! Beautiful! Thank you for joining us at SATW!

  6. Omg!!!!!!
    In absolutely Gorgeous!!!!
    Very creative page!!!
    Thanks for playing with us at SATW!

  7. Hi Ania, I saw your LO at Scrap Around the World and just had to come over and tell you how much I love it! Gorgeous details and paint work, just amazing.

  8. Gorgeous layout with so much detail work!! Love it.
    Thanks so much for joining us at SATW this month.


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